How the Color of the Roof Affects Your Home’s Temperature

Color = Cool

We go to great lengths to keep our homes cool, especially given the environment in Florida. But did you know that the color of your roof, specifically, can have a big impact on temperature control?

The most exposed part of your home to light, perhaps your roof, absorbs light like anything else. Here’s how your roof’s color may affect the temperature of your house.

Color and Temperature

Light and color generally behave as follows: lighter colors reflect more light, while darker colors absorb more. Because of this, wearing a black shirt in the sun will make you feel considerably hotter than wearing a yellow or white one.

Does this actually apply to roofs, though? It does, indeed. The heat that enters your home through your roof will be diminished since lighter shingles will reflect sunlight (at least more effectively than dark shingles would). The heat from the sun is retained by dark shingles, which then radiate it throughout the remainder of your home and into the attic.

This increases the likelihood that your home will be uncomfortable heated and makes your air conditioner work more to chill the house. Your energy cost will go up as a result, and your AC’s lifespan will be reduced.

Color and Which Color is Better?

Numerous decisions are influenced by geography and climate. In Florida, where the summers are long and the climate is warm all year round, the equation is quite straightforward. Lighter shingles aid in reducing heat transfer from the roof to your home due to the intense sunlight.

In chilly regions, the reverse is true. Darker shingles allow more heat to be absorbed to warm the house because dwellings in colder areas want to retain as much heat as possible.

Experience the Rhyne Difference

Whether you need a roof repair or replacement, Rhyne Restoration Roofing has been serving Orlando families since 2004. Trust in our experts to get the job done for you. Contact us today at (407) 277-4963 to make an appointment.

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